Joe liked that the service builds reports at a glance and we are proud of this achievement. He also appreciated the graphical views for the data as well as the fact that he was able to find recent links that he has not seen before, even though he monitors his link profile regularly.

Links Over Time diagram
Pros: free, quick, simplistic data source
To sum it up, here is the list of benefits Joe has found during his unboxing:
1. You get free backlink data.
2. MegaIndex is quick: it builds reports at a glance.
3. MegaIndex has its own crawler.
4. The index is recently updated.
5. Graphical data representation views.
6. Donors Benchmark Report.
7. MegaIndex is simple to use.
8. Quick support response and debugging

Venn Diagram in Donors Benchmark Report view
Joe especially liked the Donors Benchmark report where you can compare up to 6 backlink profiles for different websites (6:55). He took 3 websites: his own and his fellow competitors, and then he quickly got the insight into his link opportunities, judging from what his competitors did or did not have in common with his link profile.

Admiring Competitors and Backlinks on a plate :)
You can download most data free from MegaIndex right now, yet, unfortunately, you can't download Donors Benchmark report now: you can only click it all over with an unlimited free access to your competitors donors, links and anchors.
The downloadable Donors Benchmark report is to come. Would you like to be first to know? Subscribe to our social media accounts listed below and request new features with #MegaIndex!
Cons: there is room for improvement
Although Joe was happy with a good deal of our features, his review has room for healthy criticism where we found a lot of valuable points for our further product development, such as:
1. Localisation improvements needed.
2. More reports to download.
3. Removed links report bug fixing.
Joe made features suggestions which we are considering for the nearest implementation, such as:
- 1. Target links lists where users can set goals from Donors Benchmark report.
- 2. More flexibility for the Links Over Time report
- 3. The 'money' anchor text vs. other anchor text distribution.
We'll see what we can do about it, Joe. It sounds cool to us!
Verdict: a gift from above!

"It's absolutely its own index. And right now it's FREE. So if you're an SEO and you're subscribed to [my] channel..., I just gave you a gift from above! Free link data: dive in, get all the data out that you can and enjoy it, compare it. Team at MegaIndex, I really think you did a good job. I really like the tool. It's simplistic. It could have some more features, but I like the way it is right now." — Says Joe at the end of his video.
We will do our best to make the service even more useful and user friendly, and we have already included Joe's feedback into our development plan. Thank you, Joe! For anyone who would like to suggest new features or make your own MegaIndex review: Welcome!
Which features do you need most? Use #MegaIndex and write to us on any social media or check your backlink and competitors profile statistics free!